
What is Food ?

 Introduction : Food is an essential necessity of life. It is a substance that provides essential nutrients for growth, vital processes, and energy.  Nutrients in food include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The absorption and utilization of food through digestion are crucial for nutrition. Plants, through photosynthesis, are the primary source of food by converting solar energy into nourishing molecules. Animals, including humans, consume plants or other animals for sustenance. Food can be categorized based on content or processing methods. Classification systems for food include groups such as Vegetables and Fruit, Cereals and Bread, Dairy, and Meat. Other systems may categorize food into whole grains/cereals, refined grains/cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, eggs, dairy products, fish, red meat, processed meat, and sugar-sweetened beverages. The Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization utilize a comprehensive system with nin