
Showing posts with the label Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs)

Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs) | What are "Eco-sensitive zones" ? | What do you mean by eco-sensitive zone ? | Who declares ESZ in india ? | How many Eco-sensitive Zones are there in India ?

 1. Definition of Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs) - The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) issued the National Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016), which mandates that state governments declare land falling within 10 km of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries as Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZs) under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. The application of the 10-km rule varies, and areas beyond 10 km may also be notified by the Union government as ESZs if they have ecologically important "sensitive corridors." The objective is to regulate certain activities around protected areas to reduce negative impacts on the fragile ecosystem. Prohibited activities include commercial mining, saw mills, industries that cause pollution, major hydroelectric projects, commercial use of wood, hot-air balloons over national parks, discharge of effluents or hazardous waste, and production of hazardous substances. Regulated activities include tree felling, establishment of hot